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Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity where you can make a real difference?  Join us for a free Volunteer Fair on Sunday, March 17 in the upstairs Community Room at Giant on Trindle Road.  Attendees will have a chance to learn how our agency serves the community and how you can volunteer to help! There are a lot of opportunities available, including direct service, community outreach events, administrative tasks, and more!  Free snacks will be provided.
Volunteer applications/screenings will be available onsite, as well as training on our services and trauma-informed care.
This is a FREE event, but anyone interested is asked to pre-register at the following link: https://www.signupgenius.com/…/10C0E4EA4AA22A6FAC61…
** All volunteers will need to submit Child Line and State Police clearances. Clearances are not necessary to attend this free informational event.

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