If you are interested in sharing your time or resources with Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties, there are many ways you can get involved!

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Potential Administrative Volunteer Opportunities:
    • Staff information booths at community fairs, festivals and other events.
    • Serve on special events committees, such as our Sunflower Gala committee.
    • Support the work of the DVSCP Board of Directors by serving on a committee
  • Potential Direct Service Volunteer Opportunities:
    • Staff the 24-hour hotline. This includes providing peer support, safety planning and scheduling appointments with DVSCP staff.
    • Facilitate group activities for shelter residents, such as yoga night, craft circles, fitness activities or cooking/baking.
    • Plan activities for and provide child care for children in the shelter while moms are attending support groups.
    • Transport clients in DVSCP van to appointments.

Individuals interested in direct service opportunities must participate in a comprehensive 40-hour volunteer training program. Volunteers must also have the following current background clearances: PA Child Abuse Clearance and PA Criminal Record Check. DVSCP reserves the right to conduct reference checks on prospective volunteers.


  • Provide a home-cooked lunch for shelter residents: We are looking for volunteer groups to provide lunch to our shelter residents on Tuesdays beginning in January 2023.  Groups should plan to serve 10 adults unless otherwise notified by coordinator and the meal should be ready by 11:15 a.m.  Volunteers can have access to our full kitchen to prep and cook their meal onsite if needed.  Questions can be addressed to Stephanie Spurgeon at sspurgeon@dvscp.org or by calling 717-258-4249.

Sign Up Now:https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4EA4AA22A6FAC61-provide

If you have questions or to learn more about volunteering, please call the office at (717) 258-4806.

Submit an Application