
DVSCP supports the empowerment of those who are experiencing domestic violence through the provision of equitable and inclusive direct services and the promotion of nonviolence through social and systems change.

Core Values

Trauma-Informed Care – DVSCP recognizes the pervasiveness of trauma and the impact it has on survivors, the community, and service providers.  Services that recognize and respond to trauma are delivered in a way to reduce re-traumatization.

Competence – DVSCP is committed to ongoing training and education for staff, board, and volunteers to assure all services are professional, compassionate, and delivered through a lens of cultural humility.

Integrity – DVSCP will be forthright, honest, and transparent in both its internal and external communications and interactions

Safety – DVSCP will maintain a healthy and safe workplace with a high priority on the health and well-being of staff, clients, and volunteers.

Cultural Responsiveness – DVSCP embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion and works to create a community where all systems support all individuals.

To learn more about our services, please hover over each service below.

Emergency Shelter

A time-limited emergency shelter for those in immediate danger, staffed 24/7/365.

24 Hour Hotline

Available 24/7/365; call or text 1-800-852-2102 to speak with a trained staff who assesses a caller’s needs and schedules appointments for further assistance.

Counseling and Advocacy

Staff provide empowerment counseling to women, children and men with a focus on safety planning and goal setting. Advocacy efforts may include referrals to other agencies or system-wide.

Protection from Abuse Orders (PFAs)

Court advocates assist clients in filing PFAs and accompany them to court and legal proceedings.

Children’s Programs

The child counselor/advocate offers empowerment counseling, provides intervention, helps children create safety plans, and identifies additional needs.

Public Education and Outreach

Educational programs are offered in a variety of settings – faith-based communities, hospitals, community fairs, social clubs, businesses. School programs focus on dating violence and may be scheduled throughout the year.

AMEND Batterers' Intervention Program

This 26 session intervention group is offered to men who are violent and abusive in their personal relationships. AMEND is self-sustaining, as men pay fees on a sliding-scale fee. To reach AMEND staff, call 717-480-0489 or email AMEND@dvscp.org.

Support Groups

DVSCP offers continued support for adult and youth survivors of domestic/interpersonal violence through several support groups. All genders welcome.  Click here for additional information on all the support groups available.